The VLBA Imaging and Polarization Survey

This page was last modified on Aug 08, 2007

The VLBA Imaging and Polarization Survey, VIPS for short, is initially a high dynamic range 5 GHz polarization survey with the Very Long Baseline Array of about one thousand Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The parent sample is the Cosmic Lens All Sky Survey in the region covered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey in order to facilitate multi-wavelength science.
Interesting sources are followed up for simultaneous new 5 GHz and higher frequency (15 GHz anticipated) observations to obtain Spectral Index and Rotation Measure maps.
The VIPS collaboration


11h43m06.0306s +18d43'42.890"

VIPS source # 471

5 GHz polarization data

5 GHz Stokes I image 5 GHz Polarization image 5 GHz visibility plot FITS files
VLBA UV data
Stokes I image
Stokes Q image
Stokes U image

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Your friendly VIPS team members (in alphabetical order):
Roger Blandford, Garret Cotter, Chris Fassnacht, Neil Gehrels, Steve Healey, Joe Helmboldt, Peter Michelson, Steve Myers, Tim Pearson, Tony Readhead, Roger Romani, LorĂ¡nt Sjouwerman, Greg Taylor, Steve Tremblay, Craig Walker, and Lawrence Weintraub.
The Very Long Baseline Array and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory are facilities of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
VIPS is partially funded through the purchase of Mk5 disk packs by the University of New Mexico and the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology.

This page was last modified on Aug 08, 2007