You can now
search the Calibrator Manual around a region of interest.
Flux density measurements of VLA
calibrators going back to December 1996 are available in the VLA calibrator flux history
database. See what your favorite calibrator has been up to before you
plan your next observing run. To properly interpret what you discover
read this short document describing current limitations and how to
use this utility.
New VLA On-Line Calibrator
Tool (Requires Java). Your one-stop shopping location for finding
information about VLA and VLBA calibrators. This includes plots
of calibrator spectra and light curves, and in some cases
visibility plots and images. This new tool is still under
development so expect some delays and possibly glitches. Please
send comments to
We are working towards
combining the VLA and VLBA calibrator databases and providing
new and better tools to access the joint database. The plan
is to design a much-improved calibrator finding tool that
will also work for the EVLA and ALMA telescopes. Take a look
at our
calibrator specifications page. Please send any
comments to
We have begun a VLA polarization
monitoring program for ~10 compact calibrators, primarily to enable
better calibration of the VLBA. Each source is observed about once a
month and reduced semi-automatically. The preliminary results are
described in the
VLA/VLBA Calibration Page.
Positions for 950 sources were
refined on Aug. 28 2001 using the VLBA Calibrator Survey observations
as reduced by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Geodesy group with
the Calc/Solve package. These positions have typical positional
errors less than 1 milliarcsec (see Johnston et al 1995, AJ 110, 880;
and Beasley et al. in prep).
This database is also the primary source of positions for the VLBA
correlator. Two sources, J0259+425 and J2307+148 thought to have
positions good to less than 50 mas, were discovered to be in error by
more than 200 mas.
A tutorial for
new users of the 74 and 330 MHz systems at the VLA has been written
up by Namir Kassim & Rick Perley. It is available from
The Iridium constellation of
satellites has begun transmitting almost continuously at 1622 MHz.
This has serious consequences for 1612 MHz OH observations at the VLA, and
also for continuum observations near 1622 MHz. For instructions on
how to invoke a special set of front end filters to mitigate RFI
see this
Guide to the 18cm Front End Filters.
For more details about the interaction of the VLA with the Iridium
see this
notice on calibration in the presence of the Iridium constellation
for more details.
The flux densities calculated by
SETJY for 3C286 using the coefficients determined in 1990 were
systematically in error by 0.7 -- 1.7% in AIPS versions up to and
including 15JAN96. See the SETJY bug
notice for more details. The overall description of the flux
density calibration scheme used at the VLA is described in Chapter 2.
Comments? Send them to
Last Modified on 2003 April 4
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