3.1. Hints and Strategies for Successful Phase Calibration
In most programs, calibrator sources are observed at least once
an hour and sometimes as frequently as every 10 minutes. Calibrator
observations are not only important for tracking instrumental phase
and gain drifts, atmospheric and ionospheric gain and phase
variations, but for monitoring the quality and sensitivity of the data
and for spotting the occasional gain and phase jumps.
\section*{Choosing a Calibrator}
There are several criteria for choosing and using a calibrator. A list
of guidelines, in decreasing order of importance, follows:
A) Choose the calibrator closest to your source. If it is
within 10 deg., atmospheric phase fluctuations will be
somewhat better calibrated. It is better to have one
calibrator per source over the entire run. If several are
needed, try to bootstrap their positions together. However,
in the smaller configurations and at longer wavelengths,
these criteria can be considerably relaxed, so a single
calibration for a group of sources is often preferable.
Furthermore, if your target sources can be self-calibrated,
the need for rapid switching between source and calibrator is
entirely removed. Hourly observations of the calibrator are
more than sufficient for this case, except at 22 GHz or
higher frequencies where they should be no further apart than
30 minutes.
B) Choose a calibrator which has a P or S quality status for
the desired configuration and frequency (see Section 4.1).
The difference between P and S is minimal but P is preferred
since fewer gain errors will result. However, a more nearby
but weaker S or even W quality calibrator may well be
preferable for phase calibration, but not for amplitude
calibration. In this case the amplitude calibration, which
is much more stable than the phase calibration, can be
derived from observations of a more distant P quality
calibrator that is observed less frequently. This situation
may arise at high frequencies where only a small number of
sources are sufficiently strong ($>$ 0.5 Jy) for amplitude
calibration, but the atmospheric phase fluctuations require a
nearby calibrator source (see
http://www.vla.nrao.edu/astro/guides/highfreq/schedule/). As a
general rule of thumb, at 0.7 cm the phase calibrator should
be within 10 degrees in good weather and within 5 degrees in
bad weather. If just solving for the phase, the calibrator
can be as weak as twice the sensitivity on a single
baseline, which is 0.1 Jy at 43 GHz. If no VLA calibrator is
sufficiently close, it
may be useful to consult the MERLIN calibrator lists of
Patnaik et al. (1992, MNRAS, 254, 655) and Browne et al.
(1998; MNRAS, 293, 257). And to properly remove tropospheric
phase fluctuations at high frequencies requires very rapid
switching with observations of the calibrator every few
C) At frequencies of 1.8 GHz and below, the presence of
moderately strong sources within the primary beam centered on
the calibrator can cause significant closure errors. For
this reason many calibrators have uv restrictions at L and P
band and may be completely unsuitable in the smaller
configurations. Observations performed in spectral line mode
may encounter somewhat larger closure errors than indicated
by the P or S quality flags (see the Key in section 4.1) due
to the reduction in bandwidth smearing. When observing at L
band in the D and C configurations it may be desirable to
choose a calibrator with P quality status, even if it is more
distant from the target source. Fortunately the atmosphere
is quite stable at L band in the D and C configurations.
D) Different calibrator codes are used only to distinguish the
accuracy of the calibrator position. If absolute positional
accuracy $<$0.1 arcsec is desired, the position code should
be an important consideration - use 'A' or 'B' calibrators.
Most positions for sources with 'A' or 'B' PC codes are taken
from the JPL or USNO astrometric lists.
E) The flux density of the calibrator is of secondary
importance. The only exceptions are when the calibrator will
be used as a band-pass calibrator for spectral line
observing, for high dynamic range observations where
closure errors must be measured, and for very narrow-band
spectral line experiments.
F) The use of partially resolved calibrators for the determination
of antenna gains and phases is possible with the added
complication that the calibrator must be imaged first and
the resulting model provided to CALIB. Use of partially
resolved calibrators may occasionally be necessary in the
larger configurations. Models are available on the web at
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